

The Ayush Conference is organized with specific objectives in mind, aimed at promoting knowledge exchange, fostering collaboration, and advancing the field of Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy. Here are the key objectives of the Ayush Conference:


1.Knowledge Dissemination: The primary objective of the Ayush Conference is to facilitate the dissemination of knowledge and research findings in the field of Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy. It serves as a platform for researchers, practitioners, and experts to present their work, share insights, and contribute to the collective understanding of Ayush practices.


2.Research Advancement: The conference aims to foster research advancement in Ayush by providing a space for researchers to showcase their studies, methodologies, and findings. It encourages the exploration of evidence-based practices, clinical trials, and innovative approaches, contributing to the scientific development of Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy.


3.Professional Collaboration: The Ayush Conference aims to promote collaboration among professionals, researchers, practitioners, and industry representatives. It provides an environment conducive to networking, idea exchange, and partnership building, with the goal of fostering collaborative initiatives, joint research projects, and knowledge sharing across different sectors and disciplines.


4.Continuing Education: The conference seeks to support the continuing education and professional development of individuals involved in Ayush practices. It offers a diverse range of educational sessions, workshops, and interactive forums that enhance the knowledge, skills, and competencies of attendees, enabling them to deliver high-quality healthcare and wellness services.


5.Integration with Modern Medicine: One of the objectives of the Ayush Conference is to explore the integration of Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy with modern medicine. It encourages discussions and deliberations on the complementary and integrative aspects of Ayush practices, fostering dialogue between traditional and contemporary healthcare systems.


6.International Collaboration: The Ayush Conference aims to foster international collaboration and cooperation in the field of Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy. It provides a platform for researchers, practitioners, and experts from different countries to come together, exchange ideas, and establish connections that promote cross-cultural learning and global advancement of Ayush practices.


7.Public Awareness and Outreach: The conference aims to raise public awareness about Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy as viable healthcare options. It seeks to educate the general public, policymakers, and healthcare professionals about the benefits, efficacy, and safety of Ayush practices, contributing to the wider acceptance and integration of these traditional healing systems.


8.Policy Development: The Ayush Conference plays a role in influencing policy development and decision-making processes related to Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy. It provides a platform for stakeholders to discuss policy issues, regulatory frameworks, and quality standards, contributing to the formulation of evidence-based policies that support the growth and sustainability of Ayush practices.


9.Cultural Preservation: The conference recognizes the cultural and historical significance of Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy. It aims to promote the preservation and promotion of traditional healing practices, ensuring their continuity for future generations. By showcasing the rich heritage and wisdom of Ayush, the conference contributes to the preservation of cultural identities and indigenous knowledge.


10.Professional Recognition and Appreciation: The Ayush Conference seeks to recognize and appreciate the contributions of professionals, practitioners, researchers, and organizations in the field of Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy. It provides a platform to honor exceptional achievements, innovations, and lifelong dedication, inspiring others and fostering a sense of pride within the Ayush

Topics Covered at Ayush Conference

The Ayush Conference covers a wide range of topics that encompass various aspects of Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy. The conference sessions, workshops, and panel discussions delve into both theoretical and practical dimensions, offering valuable insights and fostering meaningful discussions. Here are some of the key topics covered at the Ayush Conference:


  • 1.Ayurveda: The conference explores different branches of Ayurveda, including preventive medicine, diagnosis, herbal formulations, Panchakarma therapy, Ayurvedic lifestyle, and dietary practices. Discussions may focus on specific health conditions, Ayurvedic management of diseases, Ayurvedic pharmacology, and integration of Ayurveda with modern healthcare systems.
  • 2.Yoga and Meditation: Topics related to Yoga, asanas (poses), pranayama (breathing exercises), meditation, and mindfulness practices are extensively covered. Presentations and workshops may address the therapeutic benefits of yoga, yoga for mental health, yoga for specific populations, and the integration of yoga into mainstream healthcare.
  • 3.Unani Medicine: The conference provides insights into the principles, diagnostic methods, and treatment modalities of Unani medicine. Discussions may cover topics such as herbal pharmacology, clinical experiences, Unani formulations, and research advancements in Unani practices.
  • 4.Siddha Medicine: Sessions on Siddha medicine shed light on the ancient Siddha system of healthcare. Topics may include Siddha diagnostics, Siddha formulations, herbal preparations, Siddha pharmacology, and Siddha treatments for specific ailments.
  • 5.Homeopathy: The conference explores various aspects of Homeopathy, including its principles, materia medica, case studies, research findings, and clinical experiences. Topics may also encompass the integration of Homeopathy with conventional medicine, personalized homeopathic treatment, and the use of homeopathic remedies for specific health conditions.
  • 6.Integrative Medicine: Discussions on integrative medicine focus on the convergence of Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy with modern medical practices. Presentations may explore the evidence-based integration of these traditional healing systems into mainstream healthcare, interdisciplinary collaboration, and the holistic approach to patient care.
  • 7.Research and Evidence-Based Practices: The conference highlights research studies, clinical trials, and evidence-based practices in Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy. Topics may include research methodologies, outcomes assessment, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and the role of research in shaping the future of Ayush practices.
  • 8.Traditional Knowledge and Indigenous Healing: Sessions focus on the preservation, documentation, and validation of traditional knowledge and indigenous healing practices. Discussions may address the ethical considerations, intellectual property rights, and cultural preservation of Ayush practices.
  • 9.Public Health and Ayush: The conference explores the role of Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy in promoting public health and preventive healthcare. Topics may encompass community health programs, Ayush interventions for specific populations, lifestyle modifications, and health promotion strategies.
  • 10.Ayush Education and Training: Sessions on Ayush education and training discuss curriculum development, competency-based education, teaching methodologies, and the integration of Ayush disciplines into academic institutions. Discussions may also focus on continuing education for Ayush practitioners and the professional development of Ayush professionals.

These topics represent a glimpse into the diverse range of subjects covered at the Ayush Conference. The conference program is designed to cater to the interests and needs of researchers, practitioners, educators, policymakers, and individuals passionate about Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy.

Who Should Attend the Ayush Conference?

The Ayush Conference welcomes a wide range of participants who are interested in Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy. Whether you are a practitioner, researcher, educator, student, policymaker, or enthusiast, the conference offers valuable insights and networking opportunities. Here are the key individuals who should consider attending the Ayush Conference:

  • Ayush Practitioners: Established and aspiring Ayurvedic doctors, Yoga instructors, Unani physicians, Siddha practitioners, Homeopathic doctors, and other Ayush professionals can benefit from attending the conference. It provides a platform to expand their knowledge, learn about the latest advancements, and enhance their clinical skills.

  • Researchers and Academicians: Scholars, researchers, and academicians in the field of Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy can gain valuable insights into current research trends, methodologies, and findings. The conference offers a platform to present their research, exchange ideas with peers, and explore collaborative research opportunities.

  • Educators and Students: Teachers, professors, and students pursuing Ayush disciplines can enhance their understanding of the subject matter through the conference. It provides a platform to learn from experts, gain exposure to innovative teaching methodologies, and explore educational resources for Ayush curriculum development.

  • Healthcare Professionals: Medical doctors, nurses, allied health professionals, and other healthcare practitioners interested in incorporating Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy into their practice can benefit from attending the conference. They can learn about integrative approaches, evidence-based practices, and patient management strategies that combine traditional and modern healthcare systems.

  • Policymakers and Regulators: Representatives from government bodies, regulatory authorities, and policymakers involved in the development and implementation of policies related to Ayush can gain valuable insights at the conference. It offers a platform to understand the challenges, explore best practices, and engage in discussions to shape the future of Ayush healthcare systems.

  • Industry Professionals: Entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals from the Ayush industry can leverage the conference to stay updated with the latest market trends, innovations, and regulatory requirements. They can network with potential partners, explore business opportunities, and gain insights into consumer preferences in the Ayush market.

  • Integrative Medicine Practitioners: Healthcare professionals practicing integrative medicine, which combines conventional and complementary therapies, can benefit from the conference. It offers a platform to understand the role of Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy in integrative healthcare and to collaborate with Ayush practitioners.

  • Wellness Enthusiasts: Individuals passionate about holistic wellness, natural healing, and self-care can attend the conference to deepen their knowledge of Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy. They can gain insights into self-care practices, explore alternative healthcare options, and connect with professionals who share similar interests.

  • International Delegates: Participants from around the world interested in Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy can attend the conference to explore cross-cultural perspectives, exchange ideas, and build international collaborations in the field of Ayush.

  • General Public: The Ayush Conference also welcomes the general public who are interested in learning more about Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy. It provides an opportunity to attend educational sessions, interact with experts, and gain awareness about the benefits of Ayush practices.

The Ayush Conference aims to bring together a diverse community of individuals who are passionate about Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy. It offers a platform for knowledge exchange, professional development, collaboration, and networking, creating a vibrant ecosystem to advance the field of Ayush healthcare.


Why Participate in the Ayush Conference?

The Ayush Conference is a premier event that brings together experts, researchers, practitioners, and enthusiasts in the field of Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy. Participating in this conference offers a multitude of advantages for individuals and organizations involved in the Ayush community. Here are compelling reasons why you should consider attending and participating in the Ayush Conference:

  1. Knowledge Sharing and Learning: The Ayush Conference provides a unique platform to learn from renowned experts and thought leaders in the Ayush field. Attend informative sessions, keynote speeches, panel discussions, and workshops that cover a wide range of topics, including research advancements, clinical practices, therapeutic approaches, and integration with modern medicine. Expand your knowledge and gain valuable insights to enhance your professional expertise.
  2. Networking Opportunities: Connect with a diverse community of professionals, researchers, and practitioners from around the world who share a passion for Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy. The conference facilitates networking sessions, interactive forums, and social events, allowing you to build meaningful relationships, collaborate on projects, and explore potential partnerships.
  3. Research Presentation and Publication: Showcase your research findings, innovative practices, and case studies through paper presentations or poster sessions. Share your valuable contributions with a global audience of experts and researchers, gaining recognition and enhancing your professional profile. Selected research papers may also have the opportunity to be published in conference proceedings or prestigious journals.
  4. Access to Latest Research and Insights: Stay abreast of the latest developments, research studies, and breakthroughs in Ayush practices. The Ayush Conference brings together experts who present cutting-edge research findings, evidence-based approaches, and emerging trends, keeping you updated with the advancements in your field of interest.
  5. Professional Development and Continuing Education: Attending the Ayush Conference offers a valuable opportunity for professional development and continuing education. Earn continuing education credits, certifications, or accreditations, depending on your field and the conference offerings. Stay current with industry standards, best practices, and the latest guidelines in Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy.
  6. Collaboration and Partnerships: The Ayush Conference provides a fertile ground for collaboration and partnerships. Connect with researchers, institutions, organizations, and industry leaders to explore collaborative research projects, joint ventures, and knowledge exchange programs. Forge alliances that can propel your career or business to new heights and foster innovation within the Ayush community.
  7. Inspirational Keynote Presentations: Gain inspiration from renowned keynote speakers who have made significant contributions to the field of Ayush. Learn from their experiences, success stories, and insights, motivating you to advance your own journey in Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, or Homeopathy.
  8. Exposure and Recognition: Presenting your work or participating as a delegate at the Ayush Conference provides exposure and recognition within the Ayush community. Gain visibility for your expertise, research, or innovative practices, positioning yourself as a thought leader and influencer in your respective field.
  9. Cross-disciplinary Exchange: The Ayush Conference attracts professionals and researchers from diverse disciplines and backgrounds. Engage in cross-disciplinary discussions, sharing ideas, and exploring the intersection of Ayush with other healthcare modalities, such as modern medicine, naturopathy, psychology, and nutrition. Broaden your perspective and foster interdisciplinary collaborations.
  10. Contributing to the Advancement of Ayush: By participating in the Ayush Conference, you contribute to the collective advancement and promotion of Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy. Your presence and active participation help create a vibrant environment that fosters knowledge dissemination, collaboration, and progress in the field.

The Ayush Conference offers an exceptional platform


                                   DAY -1 (24 th August , 2023 )

1st Session 
Inaugural session by key note speaker and lamp lighting ceremony.10:00-11:00
Tea Break11:00-11:15
2nd Session 
Management of health with medication11:15-01:00
3rd Session 
Using Natural processes for absolute cure02:00-04:00
Tea Break04:00-04:15
4th Session 
Staying healthy in mind & body.04:15-05:30

          DAY 2ND (25TH August , 2023 )

1st Session 
Strengthening immune system through Alternative Treatment/Therapy.10:00-11:00
Tea Break11:00-11:15
2nd Session 
3rd Session 
Alternative Medicine For Diabetes02:00-04:00
Tea Break04:00-04:15
4th Session 
Behavioral Medicine.04:15-05:30


Empowering Health and Wellness through AYUSH Conference 2023


The AYUSH Conference 2023 is an international platform that brings together experts, practitioners, researchers, and enthusiasts in the field of Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy (AYUSH). This prestigious conference aims to foster knowledge exchange, promote research advancements, and explore the profound impact of traditional medicine systems on overall health and well-being. In this write-up, we will delve into the highlights and key takeaways from the AYUSH Conference 2023.

Enriching Sessions and Workshops:

The conference featured a diverse range of sessions, workshops, and panel discussions covering various aspects of AYUSH practices. Renowned experts from around the globe shared their insights and experiences, shedding light on emerging trends and evidence-based approaches in traditional medicine. Participants had the opportunity to attend sessions on Ayurvedic principles, yoga as a holistic therapy, the role of herbs and botanicals in Unani medicine, the healing potential of Siddha practices, and the efficacy of homeopathic remedies. These sessions not only expanded the attendees’ knowledge but also provided them with practical tools to integrate AYUSH practices into their daily lives.

Research and Innovation:

AYUSH Conference 2023 served as a platform for researchers to present their latest findings and innovations in the field of traditional medicine systems. The conference showcased cutting-edge research studies, clinical trials, and technological advancements that are shaping the future of AYUSH. Participants had the chance to engage in scientific discussions, network with fellow researchers, and explore potential collaborations for furthering research in AYUSH. The emphasis on evidence-based medicine and the integration of modern scientific methodologies with traditional practices highlighted the commitment of the AYUSH community towards advancing the field.

Promoting Global Collaboration:

The conference provided a conducive environment for fostering international collaborations and partnerships. Experts and practitioners from various countries shared their unique perspectives, cultural practices, and indigenous knowledge systems. This cross-cultural exchange facilitated a deeper understanding of diverse AYUSH practices and their potential applications in different healthcare settings. The conference also served as a platform to establish networks among researchers, policymakers, and healthcare professionals, enabling them to collectively address global health challenges.

Public Awareness and Outreach:

AYUSH Conference 2023 recognized the importance of public awareness and education in promoting AYUSH practices. The conference featured interactive sessions and workshops specifically designed for the general public, creating awareness about the benefits of AYUSH in maintaining overall well-being. These sessions addressed common health concerns, provided self-care tips, and encouraged individuals to incorporate AYUSH practices into their lifestyles. The conference also emphasized the importance of government support and policy frameworks to further integrate AYUSH into mainstream healthcare systems.


The AYUSH Conference 2023 proved to be an exceptional platform for knowledge dissemination, research advancements, and global collaboration in the field of traditional medicine systems. By bringing together experts and enthusiasts from around the world, the conference underscored the significance of AYUSH practices in promoting health, wellness, and holistic care. The discussions and outcomes of this conference will undoubtedly contribute to the growth and recognition of AYUSH as a valuable healthcare system. With renewed enthusiasm and shared dedication, the AYUSH community looks forward to future conferences that will continue to shape the future of traditional medicine.